In adding/inviting a user, you are able to give access to a specific person to your witty site. Keep in mind that every type of user has its respective access with or without limit, depending on its type.
Add User
To add a user:
- Go to Settings > Organization Settings > Users tab.
- Click the Add User button, and a pop-up form will appear.
- Fill-in the fields mentioned.
- Email
- Login ID
- First Name
- Last Name
- Type
- Click Submit.

Successfully added users will be added to the user list. To view and edit additional information of the user, click the user's name.
Invite User
To invite a user:
- Go to Settings > Organization Settings > Users tab.
- Click the Invite User button.
- Select first what type of user you want to invite for your site.
- The generated link was already provided.
- Copy Link - Directly send the link to who you want to invite.
- Send Email - Send an email invite to who you want to invite. Click the Send Email to pop up the field for entering email (you can send to multiple emails).