To create a new customer:
Go to Sales > Customers.
Click the Add New button on the upper right part of the page.
A pop-up modal will appear like in the picture below.
STEP 1: Basic Information includes:
- Display Name
- Company Name (required)
- Website
- Select Type of Customer (required)
- Tax Rate (To create one, check this article: ————)
- Internal Note
- Parent Company - check “is a sub-company of” if the Customer has an associated company already existing in Hubshake.
- Customer No.
- Phone
- Email
- Currency
- Term
Address Details can be added later.
STEP 2: Address Details include:
- Name/Alias (required)
- Address Type - select type either Shipping or Billing
- Street
- City
- State/Province
- Postal / Zip
- Country
After clicking next, you’ll be redirected to Step 3.
STEP 3: Contact Details include:
- Title
- Salutation
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email
- Phone
- Mobile
- Contact Type - you can add a new contact type by clicking the Add button beside the said field.
Lastly, you will be redirected to Step 4.
STEP 4: Payment Card Details include:
- Cardholder name
- Card #
- Expiration Date
- After clicking the Finish button, the customer will be added to the Customers list. When the company name is searched, it must be seen.