To create a new customer:

  1. Go to Sales > Customers.

  2. Click the Add New button on the upper right part of the page.

  3. A pop-up modal will appear like in the picture below.

    STEP 1: Basic Information includes:

    1. Display Name
    2. Company Name (required)
    3. Website
    4. Select Type of Customer (required)
    5. Tax Rate (To create one, check this article: ————)
    6. Internal Note
    7. Parent Company - check “is a sub-company of” if the Customer has an associated company already existing in Hubshake.
    8. Customer No.
    9. Phone
    10. Email
    11. Currency
    12. Term

  1. Address Details can be added later.

    STEP 2: Address Details include:

    1. Name/Alias (required)
    2. Address Type - select type either Shipping or Billing
    3. Street
    4. City
    5. State/Province
    6. Postal / Zip
    7. Country

  1. After clicking next, you’ll be redirected to Step 3.

    STEP 3: Contact Details include:

    1. Title
    2. Salutation
    3. First Name
    4. Last Name
    5. Email
    6. Phone
    7. Mobile
    8. Contact Type - you can add a new contact type by clicking the Add button beside the said field.

  1. Lastly, you will be redirected to Step 4.

    STEP 4: Payment Card Details include:

    1. Cardholder name
    2. Card #
    3. Expiration Date
    4. CVC

  1. After clicking the Finish button, the customer will be added to the Customers list. When the company name is searched, it must be seen.