Note: Witty - Hubshake Integration must be turned on to enable adding a new user in Hubshake through Witty Manager.

To add a new user through Witty:

  1. Go to the Settings > Human Resource Settings > Employee Management tab.
  2. Click the [+] Add Employee button.
  3. The user will be redirected to the Add New Employee pop-up initial form showing the Email (required), Login ID, First Name (required), and Last Name.

  1. After clicking the Save button, you’ll be redirected back to the Kanban view of the employee list. When the new user is searched, it will show.


  1. The user added from Witty is synced automatically in Hubshake. Only if the integration with Hubshake is on under the Settings > Integration Settings > Hubshake.

To know if the user is already added in Hubshake:

  1. Login to Hubshake using the credentials recently added to the user. (Login ID and the default password: 12341234)
  2. If the user was successfully logged in, it means the user was added in the Hubshake site.
  3. The user can also view the recently added user in the Settings > Manage Users.