Note: Witty - Hubshake Integration must be turned on to enable adding a new user in Hubshake through Witty Manager.
To add a new user through Witty:
- Go to the Settings > Human Resource Settings > Employee Management tab.
- Click the [+] Add Employee button.
- The user will be redirected to the Add New Employee pop-up initial form showing the Email (required), Login ID, First Name (required), and Last Name.
- After clicking the Save button, you’ll be redirected back to the Kanban view of the employee list. When the new user is searched, it will show.
- The user added from Witty is synced automatically in Hubshake. Only if the integration with Hubshake is on under the Settings > Integration Settings > Hubshake.
To know if the user is already added in Hubshake:
- Login to Hubshake using the credentials recently added to the user. (Login ID and the default password: 12341234)
- If the user was successfully logged in, it means the user was added in the Hubshake site.
- The user can also view the recently added user in the Settings > Manage Users.