<aside> ℹ️ In Witty Manager, you are able to create a Project. Where you will put the series of tasks that need to be completed in order to reach a specific outcome.


Creating a Project

  1. Go to PMS > Project Lists > New Project
  2. Enter the Important/Required field.
  3. Click Save.

new project.png

Note: When new projects are created, a new General Board is also created.

A General board also has a newly created task group called New.

new projects.png

  1. Click the Project ID (PID) located on the first column of the project list. It will direct you to the Summary where you can view your Project Statistics.


Manage/Add Members in a Project

Starting from the Project Statistics or Summary page:

  1. Go to Project Assignees.
  2. Add the assignees according to their positions for the project. Click the Add button.

project assignee.png