Face Verification
💡 Face Verification can be setup in two ways. From the website, and from the app. Here's how:
From the website:
Go to Settings > App Settings.
- Under Verification, go to ****the Face Verification tab.
- Switch the toggle for Enable Face Verification to turn it on.
- Verification Type:
- Scan face points to verify identity online - the device will capture the employee's face points to verify the identity (highly suggested).
- Take employee photo and attach to time record - the device captures only the employee photo attached to time record without verifying the identity.
Select the frequency of syncing captured photos and the camera capture delay time.
Hit the Save button if done.
- These data will be later displayed on Clocked-in List page and Timesheet Management page.
Note: If there are any changes made on the website settings
- Go to your tablet/mobile time clock app home screen.
- Click the overflow button at the top right of the screen beside the notification bell icon.
- And click Refresh Data so all your settings changes will reflect on the device.
From the mobile app:
- At the Home screen page of your Time Clock app, click the overflow menu at the upper left.
Note: Make sure that you are in the Company Mode.
- Select Verify Identity > Face Verification.