<aside> ℹ️ PC Alert is a time tracker directed from your PC to get you ready for your clock-in/out schedule. Set up your PC Alert in the Settings tab, and register a PC in the Manage PCs.



To setup your personal computer for PC Alert:

Go to Settings > Integration Settings > PC Alert tab.

  1. Select PC Blocking Method.
  2. Select Trigger Event (Set time for Specific Time option)
  3. Select minutes of Sync Interval.
  4. Select minutes for Notification Prior to.
  5. Select Start and End Grace Period (minutes).
  6. Select what to display for PC Network Disconnected.
  7. Select what to display for PC-Users Unmapped Method.
  8. Check box if you filed an OT.

Click Save.

Manage PCs

  1. Register a PC by clicking Register PC. A pop-up form will appear.