<aside> 💡 In the Attendance Summary by Department section, it is basically the same like the Attendance Summary but in this section, it is arranged generally, and by department. It includes the total number of absences, late, leaves taken, and other reasonings for each category and a total number associated with each reason over a custom date range counted by department.


In order to go in the Attendance Summary By Department:

  1. Go to Time and Attendance > T&A Reports.
  2. Click the low arrow in the left side to dropdown options.
  3. Select Attendance Summary By Department.

Here's how you can view the attendance summary by department:


(1) Click the Edit Column, and a pop-up page will appear.


(2) Display Team and Shift by clicking the right arrow icon beside the department name.

(3) Click the Filter icon if you wish to filter the list according to your preferences.


(4) Click the Paper Icon if you want to have a copy in excel format.

(5) Click the Printer Icon if you want print it out and have a hard copy of it.